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Grandslam Industries


As we are slowly growing our numbers I thought now would be a good time to make sure everyone is on the same page as to where I envision Grandslam Gaming to go. 

Grandslam Gaming (operating as Grandslam Industries within the Star Citizen metaverse) Is a CEO run, Community driven organisation where all players can have a say on the way things are done and the direction of the organisation. 
Initially Grandslam Industries will be Chatoic/Good alignment so it is expected that members not be jerks or pirates to other players in game, this can be changed with a vote later on. 

The intent is for a weekly meeting with a monthly rotating rollcall of officers to be run in a similar fashion to fraternities such as the Free Masons or Buffaloes. At this time (subject to change and open to suggestions)the roll of officers will consist of; 
Worthy Captain(President); 
Number One(2IC); 
Ships Quartermaster(Treasurer); 
Ships Writer(Secretary) 
Ships Coxswain; 
Ships Boatswain; 
Ships Chamberlin; and 
Alderman of Benevolance. 

While carrying out all orders of business these meetings will be designed to be a fun Kangaroo court where people can be charged for things they have done in game or for rules broken at the meeting. 

Anything to be voted on must be put forward as a 7 day notice of motion and voted at the next meeting. 

Attendance at weekly meetings will be optional and come with a registration fee (Thinking $1) that will go in to the account of the organisation. 
This money can not be used for personal gain of any individual members and will be used to fund the items that are proposed and voted on by the members of the org. 
Voting compliance will require registration or apologies at the 5 most recent meetings.

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